The top of at-home hair removal products: impossible to remove from the throne
22 May 2024
Julcsi is a beauty journalist and a regular contributor to several famous women's magazines. She has taken it upon herself to test our CaviHome Cavitation Machine for three months and write an honest, authentic review. Let's see her impressions!
PART I. The top of at-home hair removal products: impossible to remove from the throne
In the next period, in addition to the cavitation fat removing device, also a Derma Gene Light 3in1 IPL hair remover will be tested by me. I wrote you what it was like to hold in my hands and use this super device for the first time. Beware, while reading, you may also realize: you have to throw away the razor!
I have tried countless forms of hair removal: wax, cream, razor, epilator, they have all been in my hands, but we know well, all these solutions are only for the symptom. We do it because we can't find anything better, but they are all really complicated in some way. One because you always have to wait for the hair to grow, the other because it only lasts two days - somehow neither is complete. So, I did hope that I would finally find a really good solution with this device.

Before I started the treatment, I took a good look at the hair remover and I checked how many options it has. At first, for example, I noticed that the device can also be used for facial treatment, because with another program, the treatment of acne, but even tightening and skin renewal are easily possible as well. Although I already have my favourites for facial treatment at home, it is good to know that I can also use this device at any time for the purpose.
By the way, its design is very convenient, just like the cavitation machine. I looked at the comparison to other at-home IPL hair removers and I have to say it interested me very much. Compared to the others, the machine works with high energy and the operating window is quite large, so I had high hopes for it.About the treatment
The only thing I was afraid of was the pain. Since I had previously tested a salon laser hair removal that had not been very pleasant, I had no idea what to expect from IPL. So, I took the light, little, super gadget in my hand and flashed at the lowest level. Pain? None. This comforted me, so I slowly started to level up. I'm not saying that I don't feel it at all on level four and five, sometimes it was stinging a bit – since the hair follicle has to be burned out somehow – but I wouldn't call it a strong pain. When the cooling button is on, I barely feel it.
The machine doesn't flash until it completely covers the skin, so I didn't even use the glasses that came with the package, I simply turn away or close my eyes when I flash. I assume I treated my legs, arms and armpits in twenty-five minutes. Of course, I don't expect a miracle from one treatment, but I am extremely interested in how long it will take to see the results. It is suggested that we carry on the treatment for one, one and a half years, so it is showtime, get ready for more and more reports. I myself am eager to see what I can tell you.
PART II. "Effective and painless!" – personal opinion on permanent hair removal
Only one and a half months have passed by, so I've completed three treatments with the Derma Gene Light 3in1 IPL hair remover, but I'm completely satisfied with the results.
This device has already brought me more than I expected. It's very simple to use, I'm done quickly with it, I can include it in my day at any time and it even proves to be effective. Do I need more?

What is good to know
For permanent hair removal, I have previously tried laser and other at-home IPL devices, but the laser is as effective as painful, it also requires quite a few treatments, and the other type of at-home IPL was not very effective. Nothing proves the latter better than the DermaGene device itself. Although I've only treated myself three times, no hair grows on my legs in larger spots, although the previous treatment probably has something to do with it, but now the change is finally spectacular. Of course, it has a competitive advantage over areas where I haven't used IPL before (like my armpits or arms). There are already faint spots here and there, but here I will need even more treatments for a spectacular result. Although the Derma Gene Light 3in1 IPL stood out from other hair removal products based on the documents, it proved what it can do and what I can expect even with these few treatments.
The process of IPL hair removal
As I wrote in my first blog post, fortunately, for me the treatment is not painful at all – especially when I turn on the cooling function – at most, it is sometimes a little unpleasant and the situation hasn't changed since then. I usually shave a day and a half earlier, so the hair grows just enough for the light to reach the hair follicle and prevent the growth. I think everyone has to experience this by themselves, how much time it takes, the official one is between 1-3 mm, for me it takes a day and a half. It is worth paying attention to the fact that if you already smell a strong burnt smell, then you have left the hair too long, in this case, go to the bath and shave again and start the process from the beginning.
It is not allowed to wax or epilate during the treatment, but if everything goes well, I would like to use the razor and the device only once in a month or in one and a half months by the summer.
On my legs, I usually choose the continuous flash program, so I finish with the area much easier and faster, but elsewhere I am more careful, because I have quite a lot of birthmarks, so I feel it is safer if I flash myself when the device is in the right place. Fortunately, the light does not bother my eyes at all, but I always turn away when the light flashes.
Little me-time
I like to include the treatments approximately every two weeks, in the evening, and then apply a skin soothing body lotion with shea butter or Cica-cream (with Copper-Zinc) to the affected areas, so there is no sign of redness. What is more, at this time I also carry out a longer beauty routine, in which I give my face and body all the skin-nourishing, moisturizing and pampering ingredients they need. I think me-time is very important, our body and soul need it – even if sometimes it's difficult to find time for it. And speaking of time, one of the best things about this permanent hair removal is that I don't have to book an appointment in advance, fit it into my busy days, since I do the treatment when it fits, even at 10 pm. This is an incredibly big advantage for me, as I live a pretty busy life.

PART III. Many people don't even know what they're missing out without an at-home IPL hair remover
It's been three months since I first took the Derma Gene Light 3in1 IPL device in my hands, and I still love it just as much as I did at the first moment. This is obviously also due to the fact that its effect is becoming more and more visible, and if everything goes well, I may not even have to worry about hair removal during the beach season in the summer.
I carry out the at-home IPL hair removal at the best time, so by summer I will be almost done with my one-year treatment plan. So, if everything goes well, with the exception of one or two repeated flashes, I can almost sit back and enjoy the results of the device. Although the beauty gadget can also be used during the summer months, there are quite a few basic rules to follow due to the amount of sunshine, so it may be a bit more complicated to get started at this time.
Desired outcomes
As I already wrote about this in previous blog posts: I carry out hair removal on my arms, legs and armpits. Among these, I achieved the biggest change on my legs, where stray hairs now only appear in spots, and I noticed that the hair grows much more slowly here and on my arms. I started to treat the armpit area later, but there are already visible signs of change here as well (for example, small unhairy spots), so I am optimistic about it as well.
Scientific background
I can mention a minor difficulty in this current period, that although the hair has not completely disappeared yet, I am already very happy with the result on my legs and arms, so I started postponing hair removal from the more regular 2 weeks to 3-4 weeks. Fortunately, after a little research, it turned out that I am not the only one with this, in fact, according to the experts, after the first two months, it is enough to carry out repeated treatments only once a month.
However, one treatment per month should not be stopped for another year, I will tell you why this is important! Hairs go through three phases: an active growth phase (in which phase they can be treated with the IPL device), a degradation phase (the hair stops growing during these days) and a resting phase (which can last for several months, at which point the hair falls out and another grows in its place). Unfortunately, the hair in the latter two phases cannot be treated. In addition, the hairs are not in the same condition at the same time – only 20-30% of our hair reaches the growth phase at the same time – so repeated treatments are extremely important for a long-term effect.
What I love the most about it
I already do not have to shave every day or wait for the hair to grow enough to be waxed or epilated. My skin is also very beautiful since I started the treatment, there are no inflamed hair follicles either – one of the advantages of IPL is that it also works wonders for the skin. Moreover, lately I've been carrying out the treatment during my favourite series, it's easy, fast, simple, painless – I think it's the best method I've ever tried. And it is promised that after one or one and a half years of treatment, you can achieve hairlessness for up to 5 to 7 years. I think it's worth everything!
Júlia Dóczy, Beauty Journalist
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