How to use? DermaGene SalonPro

How to use the SalonPro home cavitation device:

  1. Apply once a week to a specific area, but even if you want to apply it more frequently, leave 4 days between treatments to allow the body to get rid of the fat
  2. Always use a conductive gel during the treatment: this is how the cavitation ultrasound can penetrate the skin. The basic package contains a plain water-based conductive gel, but you can choose the special package with DermaGene's proprietary Fat-Removing Conductive Gel, which contains a wealth of fat-removing and firming ingredients. Since cavitation ultrasound delivers the active ingredient into the body, it makes sense to use active ingredients during the treatment, as they get deeper and produce BETTER RESULTS. Not to mention that with cellulite treatment and firming agents, your skin will be EVEN SMOOTHER.
  3. Treat two palm-sized areas in a circular and continuous motion for 10 minutes, then move on to another area.
  4. Maximum 40 minutes per treatment, but can be shorter (e.g. 20 minutes, four palm areas, in 2 turns)
  5. For the arms, 5 minutes each is usually sufficient. Depending on size, the abdomen can be treated for 20-30 minutes and the waist for another 10-20 minutes. Thighs usually take 20 minutes each. It is important to stick to the appropriate treatment time, otherwise the process will not take place.
  6. After the treatment, you still have a few more tasks to do and there are lots of extras to help stimulate the emptying of fat cells from your body. It is important that the fat cells get out of the body: the “important tips” booklet that comes with the device contains all of this information, which is the same as the official cavitation training material for beauticians