I am wearing tight white pants and jeans shorts this summer! TESTED: The first at-home orange peel skin treatment with real results
Orange peel skin is one of the biggest enemies of women. No matter how hard you exercise, how careful you eat, how much weight you lose, orange peel skin just will not go away. Personally, I hit the gym several times a week, I watch my diet, but still... Those ugly little dimples persist.
That is why I was so happy to have the opportunity to try a device whose job is to get rid of orange peel skin and make the skin on the thighs and buttocks smooth.
I was aware that there are indeed machines and treatments that can help you get rid of orange peel skin, but they are only available in beauty salons or beauty centres. So you have to go at pre-arranged appointments and pay for the usually not-so-cheap treatment. I have tried them, some of them were more effective, some less, but they all had one thing in common: they were time and money consuming.
However, home treatments in most cases do not yield many positive results... So either I am left with dimples and I am very careful not to wear too tight white pants in summer (who can relate?), or I spend a fortune and hours in salons, not to mention the time spent on making appointments and traveling to and from.
In all honesty: I started this treatment with mixed feelings, as I was not sure if it would be effective, comparing a "small" at-home machine to the huge machines used in salons that cost millions. But I was like, what have I got to lose? Summer is coming, and I am soon taking my tight with pants and jeans shorts out of the wardrobe. If nothing changes, it is just another experience, but if it really works, I will not even take off these clothes this year!
What does a treatment look like?
The operating instructions describe exactly how to move the device on your body parts. For me, the thighs and buttocks were the target areas, these are the ones I struggle with the most, but of course you can apply the device to any other part of the body. It is important not to leave the device in one place, but to always keep moving it. The device simultaneously heats and creates a very strong vacuum, which makes it stick to the skin.
And this is where the exciting part comes in! For being “just a small home machine”, it has such powerful suction that it almost hurt when I first started using it. As I had experienced something similar with multi-million-forint machines, I did not get scared, I just lowered the intensity at first, and then increased it steadily. The better the device works away accumulated fat, the less unpleasant the process is.
However, if you, dear reader, have never tried one, you had better be prepared: it is not a pleasant experience, but is all the more effective. In any case, do not be scared. Just as you feel the pain during exercise, when you are in treatment, you need to remind yourself that you are working your body in order to achieve your goal. You will not regret it!
So I would not say it is a pleasant process, it is not at all like having a relaxing massage. However, I was particularly satisfied with this, because it is nice to feel that something is happening.
The machine is very easy to use, the design allows you to do the treatments on your own, and you do not need your partner or the neighbour to help you treat your thighs with the orange peel skin removal device. (Although I am sure they would be happy to help you while you are in your panties in the living room.)
You should do the treatment twice a week, even while watching TV. Of course, to get effective results and a bikini body, you should not stop eating healthily and exercising. But unfortunately, lettuce and dumbbells are not enough to destroy fat cells. If you want perfect (or at least much less dimply) skin for summer, definitely give it a try.
I am on my second month, and the effects are already quite visible. I have documented the treatment with photos throughout to show the changes that can be achieved in just 2 months. Of course, you should not stop until you have achieved the desired result. I too will continue with the treatment, as I wonder how much more it will improve the orange peel skin in the next 1-2 months before I actually wear those critical garments.
It is good to know beforehand how far in advance of the beach season you should start your treatment, so you can lounge poolside with visibly smoother skin. Luckily, I will be the one to test it for you! ;)
To sum it up, I am surprisingly happy with my experience so far, I like the changes I see in the mirror (and in the photos), and I am really curious to see how much more spectacular the results will be in another month. By then, summer will be in full swing, so I really hope to be able to report back to you with satisfaction about wearing the tight white pants and the jeans shorts. So far, it looks like it will be so.
What are your “bogeyman” outfits in summer? Anyone else have the same fear with white trousers and shorts?
Kata Szűcs (journalist)